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The National Collection of Aerial Photography

Using collaborative robots (cobots) to automate the digitising process of scanning millions of historical images, The National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP), part of Historic Environment Scotland, holds millions of images in need of digitising. 

Understand how Parmley Graham helped them automate this process using collaborative robots.

Automating photo scanning process using cobots

The National Collection of Aerial Photography (NCAP), part of Historic Environment Scotland, holds more than 30 million images, including many taken over Europe during the Second World War. We worked closely with our integrator to help deploy five cobots and other automation requirements including the installation and testing of the PLC controller.

The challenge

A unique collection of 1million plus aerial photographs featuring 55 Commonwealth countries is currently being digitised to enable researchers to track environmental changes since the 1940s. The process of digitising the volumes of photographs involved the manual scanning of each image – a huge task for humans alone. Due to the sheer scale of this project, it became apparent that there was a need to somehow enhance the efficiency of the print scanning process.

Identifying the solution

With the introduction of cobots to the process, the objective was to now reduce a manual task from some 10+ years to around 2.5 years. It was envisaged the project would require up to 5 cobots to reach this milestone.

Identifying their needs

Analysing scans

Training Sawyer Cobot to pick

Training the team

Positioning Cobot Arm

Cleanroom facility with Sawyer Cobots in place

The results

The solution proposed involves robots supplied by Parmley Graham, or to be precise, collaborative robots (cobots); so named because they interact alongside humans.

Manufactured by our partner Rethink Robotics, cobot Sawyer, with its friendly face, is quickly accepted by the human workforce thanks to its design. Sawyer is delivered as an out-of-the-box cobot solution, equipped with powerful software and integrated camera systems. The Intera software platform has a graphical user interface that lets users train the robot, even if they have never written a line of code or programmed a robot before. using the industry-leading train-by-demonstration capabilities of Intera, anyone can interact directly with the robot’s arm to easily train new tasks.

Yorkshire-based CBM Logix engineered an integration system that uses the cobot arm to lift prints from the in-tray, place them on the scanners, and operate the scanners before carefully placing the scanned prints in the out tray.

Parmley Graham worked closely with CBM Logix to help deploy the five Sawyers and other automation requirements including the installation and testing of the PLC controller.

A team of eight humans and 5 cobots are currently preserving and digitising imagery of the commonwealth countries in a new, purpose-built facility in Edinburgh. Each of the five cobots has its own scanning cell housed within a dedicated cleanroom from where over 5000 prints a day are being scanned – far more than five humans could achieve.

From the initial concept, this project has grown into a fully functional, fully automated, and well-engineered solution. Impressively, the operation is geared for a 24/7, true ‘lights-out’ operation. A whole work cell, including the Sawyer cobot, two scanners, two PC’s, the PLC control cabinet and the silent compressor consumes an economical 2.4kwh – less than your average kettle!

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As a Value Added Reseller in Siemens’ Approved Partner network, Parmley Graham is a proven supplier of a wide range of quality products in the UK and globally. 

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