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Sustainability and energy efficiency in production

Energy costs are high, resources are becoming scarcer, and climate change laws and regulations are constantly expanding. How can industrial enterprises today maintain their competitive edge and embrace sustainability as an opportunity? By implementing solutions that combine data transparency with very specific recommendations for action – from production to the supply chain.

Find out more about our Sustainability solutions, speak with our experts.


Make your company more sustainable and energy-efficient.

When energy prices are high, it’s all the more important that the power and resource consumption in your production facilities are as transparent as possible, and that you take control of load peaks that can otherwise result in hefty fines. Add to this the fact that more and more customers, partners, and legislators are demanding verifiable proof of the carbon footprint of your products: Are you able to handle all of it?

Your path to improved sustainability and energy efficiency.

A comprehensive approach to a sustainable transformation helps you prepare for the future. First of all, you need an overview of your resources. Then you can use data to define key performance indicators (KPIs) and find ways to make improvements. Combine this with solutions that efficiently manage and optimise consumption in order to guarantee the flexible use of resources and save money. Finally, you have to be able to safeguard and verify the decarbonisation of infrastructure, processes, and products.

Resource transparency

To generate an optimal production schedule, you need a fast and straightforward overview of the loads in your plant. Given rising energy prices and sustainability requirements, it’s increasingly important that you make machine transparency not just visible but also verifiable. To achieve transparency, you have to be able to compare load data from all your machines and access this data within the company independent of the device. You can then calculate KPIs on the basis of added-value consumption and production and can track the effectiveness of energy-efficiency measures.

Resource efficiency

Thanks to resource-efficient production, you can correlate different data with external influences: for example, using energy forecasting, which generates meaningful energy performance indicators from raw data to predict future consumption. This allows you to analyze the factors influencing power consumption.

Another example is tracking measures that document the resulting costs and improvements – while at the same time reducing the number of tools needed for this task. Ever-stricter regulatory requirements and audits for certificates like ISO 50001 demand both transparency and traceability if there’s to be continuous improvement.

Resource flexibility

Flexible resource management can ensure a fast response to rapidly changing customer and environmental requirements: for example, load peak management that helps you reduce energy costs. By preventing peak loads, you’ll also reduce the fines that you’d potentially pay to your power company.

The flexible deployment of generator sets also contributes to optimising your plant’s power consumption. When you use self-generated energy and accurately plan your consumption, you’ll need less power from the grid. When the generator sets are automatically switched on and off, you can also reduce the actual power limit.

Key advantages

Benefit from sustainability and energy efficiency in production.


Maintain full transparency of your plant’s power and resource consumption, costs, and Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). This will allow you to initiate targeted measures, become more sustainable, and boost your efficiency.


Boosting energy and resource efficiency helps your company meet the expectations of customers, suppliers, and legislators. At the same time, you can control consumption so that you avoid load peaks in production.


A user-friendly analysis of standardised measured values lets operators compare their machines’ performance with the effectiveness of energy-efficiency measures and continuously optimise both.


Make faster and more flexible use of resources right when they’re needed. Thanks to these new options, you can meet all your requirements without consuming more.

For your specific requirements, talk to us.

To see how we can help with your systems or if you have any enquiry, please get in touch – we’ll be pleased to help. Send us an email at or fill the form below.

Collaborative emission management

SiGREEN: A dynamic, data-driven and scalable innovation to manage and reduce emission along the entire value chain.

Due to increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, industrial companies are faced with the major challenge of seamlessly tracing the entire Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). This can only be achieved through a continuous data exchange along the entire value chain. This requires digital solutions that all connected companies can trust. With SiGREEN, you can rely on a scalable, accurate and secure tool for managing of dynamic PCF data.

Better data – better decisions

Current PCF management tools use averaging methods to calculate emissions and this only provides static information. With SiGREEN, you can quantify emissions as they occur on-site and aggregate them along the entire value chain. The result is a dynamic PCF that helps you make data-driven decisions for impactful reduction measures. Let’s turn emissions data into a powerful tool for sustainably decarbonising your products.

Dynamic data

Dynamic data creates a more accurate map of a product’s carbon footprint. The impact of reduction measures can be quantified quickly and precisely.

Data sovereignty

All partners retain full control over their data thanks to the Trustworthy supply chain exchange (TSX). Sensitive information stays protected, which creates trust in the tool.

Verifiable results

The emissions data comply with established standards for regulatory proof. Carbon footprints can be verified at any point in the value chain.

Decoding your product’s carbon DNA

The SiGREEN principle

With SiGREEN, you can decode the carbon DNA of your products and understand when and where emissions occur along your supply chain. A verifiable digital credential is assigned to the respective CO2 value for each stage of the value chain. The verifiable credential contains metadata that help you assess the respective carbon value’s origin and trustworthiness for authorities and partners. Directly interwoven in your value chain, the data pairs form the foundation you need for data-driven product decarbonisation.

Made to scale: Stand-alone or fully integrated

Start managing your Product Carbon Footprints today: SiGREEN is fully functional in stand-alone mode and ready to use. As a software-as-a-service solution, no installation or integration into existing systems is necessary. SiGREEN benefits your suppliers too: They can provide and exchange emissions data with you – easily, flexibly and cost-effectively. Depending on your needs, the fully functional tool can also be integrated into your existing IT/OT landscape and connected to your ERP systems, shop-floor IT or design tools through a variety of interfaces.

A paradigm shift: Dynamic Product Carbon Footprints

Companies need a substantial foundation for making data-driven decisions about appropriate decarbonisation measures. Static industry averages are insufficient. Instead, dynamic, constantly updated data is needed that can only be collected in a direct exchange between companies along the entire supply chain. With SiGREEN, suppliers can proactively and promptly communicate actual emission values and transmit the results of optimisation approaches.

Industry applications

The transformation towards a low-emission chemical industry requires both the technological adaptation of existing processes and the integration of new technologies into process plants. This is crucial for the change which has to be managed in a complex and volatile overall economic situation.

Approaches for emission reduction

A process analysis of the CO2 footprint is required to identify the relevant PCF reduction potentials along with a simulative analysis and optimisation of the process plants to reduce the CO2 footprint. At the same time, the industry needs concepts for CO2 reduction measures and recycling technologies, the integration of renewable energies for green H2 production and in the context of power-to-X.

SiGREEN features

  • The development of an adaptable PCF reduction roadmap and vendor agnostic implementation
  • Technological transparency of the emissions from your processes
  • A deep understanding of your process and the identification of optimisation potentials that will reduce the CO2 footprint
  • Well-founded concepts for technological transformation based on your specific processes and framework conditions, including intelligent integration and use of renewable energies
  • Prioritised list of measures for future decision-making, plus along with implementation support on a broad technological basis

Low PCFs as a competitive advantage

The automotive industry has committed itself to reducing emissions and has defined low PCFs as a key performance indicator (KPI) – and a competitive advantage. In addition, regulatory requirements like the Digital Battery Passport require the declaration of the Product Carbon Footprint (PCF). However, many companies in the automotive supply chain are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) just starting their digitization journey. That’s why the industry is building the Catena-X Open Data Ecosystem for sharing PCF data in the supply chain.

Requirements of the Catena-X ecosystem

Exchanging data via the Catena-X ecosystem requires a certified app. All suppliers and distribution companies along the entire automotive supply chain need to be able to transmit audit-proof emissions data. At the same time, it is necessary to provide the calculated PCFs for Product Passports to other IT systems. To enable the integration of SMEs, the PCF management system should be easy to use and not incur additional costs.

SiGREEN solution

  • Data exchange along the supply chain
  • Systematic reduction of emissions in the upstream supply chain
  • For free and as software as a service with easy onboarding of SME
  • Open APIs for connecting and using data in other IT systems
  • Siemens as a strong, reliable industry expert offering Digital Product Passport solutions

Proactive improvement updates

In the electronics industry, more than 90% of PCFs are generated in the supply chain before they reach the factory floor. Compared to other industries, the number of delivered parts and suppliers is high. There are usually multiple procurement channels for the same components, while technologies and specifications are constantly changing, especially when new features need to be integrated. In addition, more and more distributors are requiring PCF data before products are included in their offering.

Approaches for emissions reduction

Concepts for reducing emissions include using green electricity, and increasing the efficiency of manufacturing processes, automation and utilisation of machinery product’s design – for example, by replacing CO2-intensive materials with lower-emissions ones – is another important approach. In addition, suppliers with low PCF for non-replaceable materials should come into focus. In order to identify all the potentials in reduced-emissions procurement, the actual dynamic PCF data need to be used instead of average values. This can only be achieved through an automated data exchange between supplier and company.

SiGREEN features

  • Transparency regarding PCF in the event of product design changes and the introduction of more environmentally friendly energy generation
  • Potential analysis of emission reduction in the supply chain
  • PCF with one click for constantly changing specifications

Sustainable food for a healthier tomorrow

The demand for sustainable food is on the rise. This is forcing manufacturers to disclose product information, and not just ingredients but also the carbon footprint of individual products. In the EU, there is a mandatory requirement to reduce the PCF of food and beverages. The UK, Japan and Australia have also introduced voluntary programs for calculating and disclosing PCFs. But the calculation is not simple, because in addition to the supply chains for sourcing raw materials, different packaging solutions also need to be taken into account: Recycled bottles as well as disposable packaging are integrated in the process.

Integration of customers and suppliers

In order to prove and reduce the PCF, upstream suppliers need to be involved, as does data from customers and retailers who recycle packaging or return it to circulation. This requires an open platform where all suppliers and retailers can exchange and manage emissions data using established standards.

SiGREEN features

  • Enhanced brand reputation thanks to greater transparency for customers who value sustainability
  • Supply chain optimisation by identifying inefficiencies and reduction of waste at every stage of the process
  • Regulatory compliance, avoidance of penalties, and cost reductions when carbon taxes are introduced

Verifiable PCF data for the battery passport

New EU battery regulations requires a battery passport that includes the PCF for all batteries exceeding at capacity of 2kWh. Specific PCF targets must be met starting in 2027. Low PCF is a therefore a competitive advantage. The regulation also requires a declaration of recycled content for critical materials like lithium or cobalt.

Integration of customers and suppliers

Battery manufacturers need solutions for declaring their products’ emissions on a large scale and transferring them to a digital battery passport. The majority of emissions is usually generated in the supply chain, and this information needs to be systematically shared and managed. To meet CO2 targets, emissions must be optimised not just in production but also across the entire supply chain. This requires reliable and trustworthy information from all suppliers.

SiGREEN features

  • Automated calculation of PCF and provision via APIs to a battery passport
  • Exchange of certified and verifiable PCF data along the supply chain
  • Systematic management and optimisation of carbon emissions in the supply chain with data from the suppliers
  • Reduction of internal emissions using technology from related Siemens portfolios like Energy Manager PRO
    Use of emissions data by other ESG tools

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